Sunday, July 24, 2005

Much Betta'

Still working on my new on my improved blog.... which is this same one but REMIXED, I do not have any "settings" controls with this current blog, some how I have locked myself out own blog???? but I can still post... if anyone reading this, has some insight, please post comment Thanks!
Ok where to begin....My weekend definitely made up for my Thursday.... into Friday, cause shit was truly looking grim. Friday, me a couple of homies got the ultimate hook up to check out to the Sugah Water Concert (fo' free, YES!), with Queen Latifa, Jill Scott, Floetry and Erykah Badu

Miss Erykah Bad-Ass-Badu... she tore that sh_t up, and sewed it back together again, and as it was an outdoor concert, minus the nasty ass humidity out there... ah man it was awesome!I have seen Miss Badu before, but not like this, Jill and Latifa, have always had a personality that is evident in their evyerday style and comes thru in their music. Well, Miss Badu, showcased her's on friday.
Saturday was spent taking a friend to shop for his place, I got to squeeze in some "Me shopping," I keep saying, I'm done with buying clothes for a spell, as I have some financial goals in mine... I would of never got rid of all my 80's gear if I known it was going to come back in full force, shoot that would of kept me inspired, to keep my school girl figure... lol.
I made a pack with myself, that anything over $50, will not be purchased impulsively, it must be left in that store, and then returned to pick up.
Reason being, if it absolutely haunts me, I 'll come back and get it, if its there, its mine. If not, it was not meant to be. There has been plenty of dope shit, that I have seen, and completely forgotten all about.
As this turned into a 7 hour event, my other Saturday night plans were cut, got home too pooped to pucker....
Today me and some friends, and friend of friends hit up Jermaine Dupris new spot (Cafe Dupris)... as the sign reads: So So Def on the outside.That place was So So Whack, and he should take Cafe out of the name, because it was more like a diner. Now the food was not "that" bad, per se. It was the service SUCKED A MILLION LEMONS!!! As I'm a road runner, I'm out a lot, and this was by far the worst service...
So, some of the ladies went on home disgusted, and about 9 of us took over to Copelands, live dj, nice fruity frozen but strong drinks, GOOD SERVICE... and even free hourly drink and dinner specials, who could beat that.
As we wrapped it up with desserts... actually we started off with desserts and worked out way backwards.... I love Copelands on Park Place , off of 21st in M'httn, use to be my spot.Anyhoo, I had to leave the ladies there, some of them can shut down a place, and for me, I'm like to shut down my eyes at a decent time. Boy have I
Well that's all folks....
Trust, I do have plenty of down time weekends, but sometimes hanging out get in the way those... hey to quote my cousin... " I can get plenty of rest when I'm gone"
Now I thank Good I'm living, up and kicking... so some hang time, must be on the menu.....
Night Ya'll


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